Posts in the Category "Motivation"

Where does your strength come from when times are tough?

Strength does no come from physical capability. It comes from an indomitable will. –Mahatma Gandhi What do you draw your strength from? We all get stuck in a rut sometimes and there will be seasons of feeling less or more committed for most of us. But what it boils down to is, where does your.. Read more →

If you want change, you have to make changes

If you want change then you have to make changes. This is obviously easier said than done, especially when the change you want is fat loss. For some this can be quite a lot to deal with at once. You need a sound diet/training plan to follow (head over the LBC website for help on.. Read more →

Are you looking for motivation in all the wrong places?

Often people to look to other people or things to motivate them. The problem with that is, that motivation is pretty short sited and shallow. It won’t last very long. WHY? Because, motivation is something deep inside you, what you feel. It isn’t something that someone can truly do or encourage you to do or.. Read more →

When it comes to fitness, attitude is everything

So many of life’s struggles are self-inflicted. When it comes to fitness, attitude is everything! If you fail to see that, you’ll never get far. Feeling like a victim is a one way ticket to misery and a road already traveled, the one you’ve always been on. It isn’t enough to just get out of.. Read more →