“There just seems to be so many coaches out there nowadays. Out here in Colorado, there are dozens and dozens. When I first thought about finding a coach, I had thought of signing on with a coach at my gym who had recently won her Pro-Card in Figure. However, after much thought, I decided against.. Read more →
I’ve recently had to spread my wings and soar on my own. After almost two years as a client you can imagine just how hard that decision was to make. I’ve gained so much in terms of knowledge that I know I can keep going on my own, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have.. Read more →
FLASHBACK to comp prep in the year 2010 (Before Erik): Sobbing in my car, parked outside the gym for the third time that day, desperately trying to summon the energy to walk from my car to the gym door, knowing that if I could just get inside I could probably then force myself to at.. Read more →
I think most people would agree that “betrayal” is one of the most awful feelings in the world. Well what about when your own body is the very thing betraying you? THAT HURTS. You diet like everyone tells you to, you train until you feel like you’re going to break, and your body does NOTHING. .. Read more →
I do not know where to start; there is so much to include. So first let me say that there is not a single second that I do not thank my lucky stars, and my husband, that I contacted Erik Ledin two years ago (not because Erik lacks any quality whatsoever, but because I had,.. Read more →
I’m going to start from the beginning back in 2008. I was currently training for my second figure competition, 12-15 weeks out, and was miserable. I was doing 5-7 hours of cardio a week and I was eating all my calories from protein and greens … besides 40g of oats in the AM. There was.. Read more →