Posts in the Category "Mindset"

For The Days When You “Don’t Feel Like It”

If is easy to stick to a plan when you FEEL like it. But the greatest successes come to those who stick to a plan when they don’t feel like it, but rather act on principle instead of emotion. There will be days when even the idea of doing the plan feels like drudgery, but.. Read more →

The “Last Supper” Phenomenon

So here’s something that goes hand in hand with the “I’ll start my diet on Monday” phenomenon… A lot of people go out and treat their weekend prior to beginning a diet as a “last supper” where they eat everything in sight and typically do so in painfully large quantities. Don’t do that. Rather, consider.. Read more →

How Success Can Take You Out

We talk often here about the obstacles that limit people from achieving their goals, but what is frequently forgotten is that success brings about eventual failure sometimes as much as obstacles. Have you ever noticed that once you’d reached your desired level of leanness that it felt harder to maintain it? Have you noticed that.. Read more →

Small Victories, Big Successes

Last week I had a client email me and state that she wasn’t going to be able to be solidly on plan for a couple days because she was going to be at a business meeting and didn’t want to “break out the Tupperware” in front of her boss. I reminded her that she most.. Read more →

Affirmation And Reflection

Previouusly I wrote a post about the power of words to influence your thoughts in a negative way. However, I neglected to mention that your words can also shape your thoughts and experience in a positive way. When you speak out positive things about yourself, they too can begin to manifest in your life. For.. Read more →

10 Life Tips

10 Life Tips Inspired by Dr. Wayne Dyer: 1. Change your perspective “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” 2. Pursue your dreams “Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it.” 3. Hardships reveal who you are “Circumstances do not make a man,.. Read more →