Clean Out Your Junk Drawer

Most of us have a junk drawer in our houses. It is the place we put our mess so we can hide it from people when they come over. (Don’t even pretend that you don’t have one of these) However, most people also have a “junk drawer” in their lives. This is the place where.. Read more →

Finding your WHY

We talk a lot on this page about finding the reason WHY you want to transform your physique as being the most important driving force for achieving it. Well, a couple weekends ago I attended a conference where one of the presenters talked about a technique called the “Five Whys” and I thought it was.. Read more →

The Path of Diligence

Diligence has a lot to do with success. People that succeed, succeed because for the most part, they day in and day out do the right thing. They don’t succeed by chance, they succeed by choice. A lot of people overestimate what they can accomplish in a short time (fat loss anyone?) and underestimate what.. Read more →

Everything Counts

I don’t care how hard you train, I don’t care how many metabolic workouts you do, or how much cardio you do, if you can’t nail your diet week in and week out, you’re short changing yourself of results. You’re working hard in the gym for sub-optimal, or in some cases, NO, results. Want great.. Read more →

Swimming Upstream

I’ve often described the process of losing fat as being very much like swimming up a raging river. The current is driving us towards fat gain, disease, and inactivity and when we become motivated to lose fat we must choose to swim against the violent current…forever. That river is, what some have called, our “obesogenic.. Read more →

The Instant Gratification Mindset

Instant gratification – the mindset of children isn’t it? The need to satisfy a WANT (not a need), NOW, NOW, NOW. Now, we’ve ALL been there at one point or another; no one is perfect. But when this is a REGULAR occurrence? Well, you forfeit the right to complain and even more so, question why.. Read more →