Beliefs Determine Weight Gain

According to a series of studies across five countries on three continents, researchers found that individuals who BELIEVED that obesity was mainly caused by a lack of exercise were more likely to actually be overweight than those who BELIEVED that obesity was mainly caused by a poor diet. Researchers also discovered that individuals who BELIEVED.. Read more →

Why Your Glute Building Program Doesn’t Work

It seems to me that the internet and magazines lately are filled with articles on how to build incredible glutes. And while they all seem to be quick to present the most extensive list of exercises known to humankind, none of them really address the single most important variable when trying to build the glutes.. Read more →

Focus on Goals You Can Control

When you are setting goals, remember to set them based on things you can control versus those you cannot. For example: You can set a goal of having 100% meal compliance and hitting all of your workouts for a period of time because that IS something you can control. However, you shouldn’t set a goal.. Read more →

What to Expect from a Coach

I’m a Coach who is evolving. EVERY coach NEEDS to be evolving as none of us are perfect, none of us mesh with everyone, none of us has the solution to everyone’s problem. I’m a lot different now than I was a year ago and I was a lot different a year ago than I.. Read more →

Live Life By Design

When my father passed away over 10 years ago my Mom quickly joined a walking group, started swimming twice per week, and became really active in her church. She was always busy. Obviously I was concerned that she was just scrambling to find something to fill the void in her life. When I finally discussed.. Read more →

Chasing Weights Versus Tension in the Gym

A lot of people get caught up in weight, PRs, etc., etc. But you have to keep in mind that physique development is about maximal TENSION on the TARGET muscle. This isn’t weightlifting or powerlifting. It’s ALL about tension. Yes, more weight is one way to add tension, but too many people get trapped with.. Read more →