Posts in the Category "Training"

Shoulder dislocations for shoulder mobility

Shoulder dislocations are a phenomenal exercise to add to any program to help protect your shoulders from injury. The rotator cuff is so important to protect but it’s one of the most neglected areas. Often, this seemingly simple drill is done incorrectly with excessive anterior pelvic tilt and forward head/neck protrusion. Really pay attention to.. Read more →

What is the most optimal position for you to squat?

Squat Variations What is the most optimal position for you to squat? This question is asked very often and no 2 lifters will squat the same. So many things factor into the most optimal position for each person: – mobility of the hip and ankles – prior injuries  – goals Regardless, what I look for.. Read more →

3/50 method in training

3/50 Method This is another special method/intensifying technique which is no-nonsense, easy to implement, and extremely effective. Just get 50 total reps, using the same weight, over 3 sets. Simple…but not easy. -Pick a weight that you can get somewhere between 18-25 reps with (taking the set to failure) on the 1st set -Take 2:00.. Read more →

6-8-10 Dropsets

One of my favorite intensity building techniques to create a lot of metabolic stress and up the overall volume are 6-8-10 Drop Sets. This set-extending technique works well for any exercise. Here’s what it looks like: 1. Perform a hard set of 6 reps. This should NOT be a 6-rep maximum, but it would be.. Read more →

Paralysis by analysis

I’ve noticed an unfortunate trend over probably the last decade among both fitness enthusiasts and those just looking to get started on their fitness journey alike: Paralysis By Analysis. There is so much information out there, so many gurus, so many methods and systems of training, etc., it’s left many people: ▪️utterly confused ▪️severely over.. Read more →

Neutral spine, what does it mean?

“Neutral spine.” You hear this all the time, but do you know what it means? You should be able to draw a straight line from the top of your head to your tailbone. This means no broken angles in your neck or any curvature in any part of your spine. If I taped a PVC.. Read more →