Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating. If this is a cycle you find yourself in often, it needs to be broken. Eating during these periods does not actually relieve the stress or reason and in many cases actually makes the stress worse because one then often has remorse and guilt for eating things they hadn’t planned on. I ‘see’.. Read more →

Love responds to hurt by letting go

When people hurt us, we have two natural tendencies: remember and retaliate. But how should you respond to the people who have hurt you? How do you handle all of those wounds and hurts that you’ve stockpiled in your memory? You don’t repeat them; you delete them. Let it go. Forgive, and get on with.. Read more →

Impact of gestational weight gain on neonates and postpartum weight retention

Just reading tonight and I came across this: “It is now well-established that excess gestational weight gain (GWG) is an independent predictor of large for gestational age (LGA) neonates and postpartum weight retention (PPWR) in the mother. Simply, moms who gain greater than the recommended amount of weight, according to their pre-pregnancy BMI, subsequently carry.. Read more →

Preparation is key

I almost always have something prepped that I can grab and eat especially on my mega busy days or when in need of a grocery run. I try to have a meal or so in the freezer that I can grab if need be. I also keep a few canned protein choices in the pantry.. Read more →

Roasted Shrimp

ROASTED Shrimp – Ridiculously easy and time saving way to prepare shrimp, especially in volume. Preheat oven to 385 degrees. Cooking sheets (how many depends on how much shrimp) Cooking Spray(or Oil) Shrimp (works with any amount/volume as long as you have enough sheets) Tails on or off, your choice. Seasoning: your choice – can.. Read more →

difficult people

Have you noticed how many difficult people there are in the world? Do you feel like you have to deal with most of them some days? You know what rude acts bug me the most? People who call me and then say, “Who is this?” People who honk their horns in traffic jams. People who.. Read more →