Keeping constant muscle tension during a set

When you’re training there are times when it is appropriate to lock out for a second at the top of a movement before proceeding into the next rep. However, if you’re really trying to maintain tension on a muscle you might want to try maintaining continuous tension next time you train instead. Rather than stopping.. Read more →

Everyone struggles

Everyone struggles If you’re struggling to stay on plan today…or even for the past week, just know that it is normal for everyone to have times when it is tough to follow though and even feel like quitting. The key is to keep going in spite of your feelings because, when the struggle passes, you’ll.. Read more →

Marissa Prieto’s amazing transformation!

LBC Testimonial. No more extremes, improved self-image, no more good food vs bad food lists, no more rebounds, and finally the achievement of balance. “I want to thank you Erik for guiding me to where I am today, I have definitely come a long way than from where I was before we started. The obsession.. Read more →

Tips for sticking to your goals in social situations

If you decide to go out to a social event remember that the word “social” implies an interaction with other people not with your food. While other people might be eating without concern for their body composition, you do not have to do the same. Although technically you can have as much of any food.. Read more →

Perfectionism can be destructive to your life

When you learn how to break out of the prison of perfectionism, you will find a new level of joy and freedom in your life. Why is this? Because perfectionism is destructive to your life in several ways. 1. It defeats your initiative. Have you ever had a project you haven’t been able to get.. Read more →