Toe Position & Standing Calf Raises

Does foot position matter when doing calf raises? Sure does. Here’s why:One of the muscles in the calves is called the gastrocnemius, which is found on the back of your lower leg just below the knee. The gastrocnemius is composed of two muscles: the medial and lateral heads. The medial head is on the inside.. Read more →

Barbell Glute Bridge (from the floor)

  The Barbell Glute Bridge:(performed from the floor for this variation)To begin this exercise; start off with your back flat on the floor and a weighted barbell above your legs. If you haven’t graduated to 45lb plates for each side, you can use 10 or 25lb bumper plates to give the bar some height – it.. Read more →

Romanian Deadlifts

Romanian Deadlifts: Great exercise for the posterior chain. 1. Set up with a hip-width stance. 2. Keep your chest up. 3. Push hips back to hinge at the waist and start your descent, keeping weight on the heels. Normally I would place small plates under my toes to help keep weight on the heels, as well.. Read more →