Life is precious. Don’t waste time.

I’m not sure what it is, but evenings on weekends (particularly Sunday evenings or Monday evenings on holiday weekends) tend to be really introspective times for me.Recently I’ve had a lot of friends who are suffering from serious health issues and today I discovered that a woman I used to train with for powerlifting had.. Read more →

LBC client Amanda’s awesome story

LBC client Amanda has a story that is probably familiar to a lot of others out there. Amanda was addicted to exercise, specifically cardio. She used to do almost 4 hours of cardio a day. Amanda never really trained with weights. She was told it would make her bulky, look fat, etc…She legitimately didn’t know any different… Read more →

Competition prep rant

Competition season is heavily upon us and as a result, Facebook newsfeeds are filling up with declarations of  #hardcore contest preps. Let me fill you in on a little secret: Competing in 5+ shows per year, doing two-a-day cardio sessions 7 days per week, drastically cutting calories to show how #beastmode you are, wearing a squeem, and declaring to.. Read more →

Train your mind to work for you, not against you

Our only true obstacle and enemy in our lives is our mind. If we can train our minds to be on our side at all times, be our biggest cheer leader, supporter, pusher, strength giver etc, then we would be in great hands with our life and goals. Retrain your mind every minute of the day.. Read more →

What is Functional Training?

There are tons of articles and posts about “functional training” and how certain tools (i.e.: Kettle bells, bosu balls, balance pads) are “functional”.They’ll say “bicep curls aren’t functional” or “barbells and dumbbells aren’t tools of functional training” or “that doesn’t help with life skills” so on and so forth. The problem with this train of.. Read more →

Meadows Rows

Another favorite back exercise of mine. This is a modified version of a one-arm dumbbell row, using a landmine bar (a barbell placed in the corner will work too). Be sure to hinge at the waist and grasp the bar with an overhand grip. If you have smaller hands you may need to use straps or.. Read more →