The chaos of life never ends, so how do you deal with it?

I’ve had a client for a while now that was doing quite well on her plan until last winter when I noticed that she begin to struggle.As she was often away from home doing primarily outdoor activities during the weekends, she found it increasingly difficult to stay on plan during those times and this also.. Read more →

How exercise tempo can play a key role in your development

People have a tendency to overlook their tempo when performing an exercise. It’s not even a second thought for many. However, the tempo you follow can play a key role in your overall development. Here’s an example of a study, which was published in the International of Sports Medicine that shows the importance of tempo… Read more →

Oatmeal Breakfast Squares

Ingredients: – 54g oats – 3 egg whites  – 2 whole eggs – 120g of fruit I used a pan that’s actually for brownies but any type of pan would work.. Cupcake/deep dish, bread pan. Oven on 350, layered bottom of pan with the fruit, then mixed my oats, eggs, splash of almond milk and added.. Read more →

Not in the mood to do what needs to be done?

Do you ever avoid what needs to be done because you’re just not in the mood? How many opportunities and possibilities are never fulfilled because you were not in the mood when it was time to take action?You are in control of your mood, and you have the option of adjusting your mood to serve.. Read more →

100% compliance means 100%, and nothing less

If you say that you’re 100% nutritionally compliant followed by the words “except for” and then continue on to rattle off your list of nutritional deviations, you are not 100% compliant!!!Of course, you are free to deviate from your plan if you wish, but you have to be prepared to adjust your expectations accordingly.Whether you.. Read more →

Obtain an attitude of peace by living in the “now”

Having an attitude of peace and calm is priceless. One way to develop consistent peace is to learn to live “in the now.” We can spend a lot of time thinking about the past or wondering what the future holds…but we can’t accomplish anything unless our mind is focused on today.Too often our stress level.. Read more →