Cardio: Fasted or Fed?

Often I’m asked questions like “should I do my cardio fasted or fed?”, “is it better to workout in the morning or the evening?”, or “should I have 150 grams of daily protein from food or 153.6 grams of pure-whey-isolate-hydrofiltered-magic-results-maker?” So let me save you some time. Don’t bother majoring in the minor.If you’re trying to.. Read more →

Full Squats vs. Front Squats

As mentioned, I gravitate towards training research that pits one exercise against another and judging by the response I’ve seen so far, I’m going to say a lot of you find it interesting too. If that’s true, then you’re going to find the study comparing full squats and front squats, which was published in the.. Read more →

Does quantity trump quality when it comes to fat loss?

Once common trend I find with many clients while self reporting their diet and nutrition habits is a good amount of people actually eat nutritious, nutrient-dense foods. This is what we tend to call “eating healthy”.Ironically enough, the same people who I am visually seeing the foods they eat, which is actually really good food,.. Read more →

Pre- versus Post-Training Cardio

Pre- vs. Post-Training CardioA common question that gets asked among trainees is: Should I do my cardio (+30 minutes) before or after my weight training? That being said, from a recovery standpoint, it looks like you’re better off doing one over the other, at least, that’s what a research study from Finland indicates.In the study.. Read more →