Do you do things out of duty or desire?

Another big indicator that we are people pleasers is that we do things out of a sense of duty instead of desire. In other words, we do something for someone because we feel obligated, or it is expected of us—we are afraid if we don’t do it, others will get mad at us or think.. Read more →

Jennifer’s progress, and the Law of Diminishing Returns

Progress picture of LBC client Jennifer. Jen already looked great when she started as you can see by the first photo, but she wanted to take it to the next level and drop her body fat down even further. Progress at this stage of leanness is slower and much harder to achieve than when body.. Read more →

Are you honest with others?

Are You Honest with Others? One of the greatest signs of being a people pleaser is not being completely truthful with others about who we are. We say we like things we really don’t like. We go places and say we are enjoying it, when in reality, it is the last place on earth we.. Read more →

Patricia’s transformation!

LBC client Patricia, all the way from Israel, wanted to build some muscle. Here’s some comparison pictures of her progress to date. Big differences in both her delts and quad development so far. 

Find happiness in serving others

The starting point for all happiness is shifting the focus away from yourself. If all you think about is yourself, you’re going to be a pretty miserable person. If you truly want to be happy in life, you have to care about the needs of those around you. Most people are worrying about their own.. Read more →