Muscle’s Insignificant Effect on Metabolism

You without fail always hear ‘fitness pros’ talking about how muscle has a big effect on improving metabolism. The fact of the matter is, it really doesn’t. In fact, each additional pound of muscle you add to your frame increases daily caloric requirements by 6 cals/lb/day. That is IT! On average, muscle mass makes up.. Read more →

Metabolic Rate Calculators

I have seen some pretty jacked up caloric recommendations for people based on ‘calorie calculators’ which wind up suggesting people eat way more than they should be, especially if their goals are fat loss. Now, you can get a rough idea of RMR requirements using calculators but where things go a bit haywire is when.. Read more →

What Defines “Is It Working?”

In the last couple days there’s been some great discussion about calorie requirements for fat loss and how to determine yours (outcome-based decision making). As Erik stated, you need to start somewhere and if it isn’t working, adjust. However, I think it is important to define the word “working” in this context since many would.. Read more →

Fat Loss Peaks And Valleys

As you embark on your fat-loss journey, you need to be mentally and emotionally prepared to do the work required, yet still be mature enough to accept there may be frustration along the way as well. Fat loss is a journey with peaks and valleys, not a linear phenomenon.

Program Hopping

Don’t be convinced that you need to change your program all the time (cutting calories, changing exercises, switching something for something else). A plan doesn’t have to change every two, four, six, or even eight weeks. If the plan is working, don’t mess with it. Sometimes you just have to put your head down and.. Read more →

Biosignature Modulation Review

Several years ago, when I was a fledgling in the fitness world, I first heard Charles Poliquin mention Biosignature Modulation at a seminar and I was completely blown away by the concept.  If you’re unfamiliar with the idea, Charles explained that he’d done caliper measurements on 12 skinfold sites with loads of athletes and discovered.. Read more →