Which Labs Should I Have My Doctor Run?

November 20th, 2013 by

It amazes me how many people are willing to spend a couple hundred dollars a month on supplements, but are completely unwilling to invest in their health by running their labs! There are no miracle supplements, but a full panel of hormones along with your basic health labs can be a very valuable tool in figuring out the formula for your unique needs.

Even if everything thing comes back as the picture of health, it is money well spent. The chances of you never having at least one minor health issue is pretty slim, it is great to have a reference of past labs to compare to.

The ideal time to get your labs run is when you are healthy, rather than wait until you are sick.

For those who are asking what I recommend as a full panel of hormones..

Thyroid Tests
Reverse T3 if they will
Thyroid antibodies

Iron Tests
Serum Iron

Saliva Cortisol

Sex hormones
(Dhea, Estradiol, FSH, LH, Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone, SHBG, Progesterone)*

CBC w/ Differential
Metabolic Panel (14), Comprehensive
Lipid Profile

C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac

Hepatic Function
Kidney Function”

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