Training Intensity Tips

February 20th, 2015 by

If you aren’t seeing the results of your training and your diet is on point, it just might be a lack of intensity in your training.

There are many reasons why this is probably happening and it is not limited to talking to your friends in between sets, checking Facebook, uploading gym selfies, stalking your favorite LBC coaches via Instagram, uploading selfies to Instagram, taking super long breaks, so on and so forth.

#1: Use appropriate weight for given exercises.

The most common question EVER: “what weight should I use?”

Weight should CHALLENGE* (*key word) the particular rep ranges give for an exercises. If you are performing 10 reps every single set without much struggle, it’s time to up the weight. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Of course, keep form #1 but #1.5 is weight. Make sure you are lifting heavy enough to challenge your body.

#2: Monitor rest period closely.

Keep your rest periods appropriate for the exercises performed.

If you are working in low-rep ranges, increase the rest due to the need for not only the muscular system but the central nervous system to recover. Examples would be heavy squats and deadlifts in the 1-7 rep ranges.

If you are working in moderate-rep ranges, keep rest moderate. Example of this would be secondary work like Romanian deadlifts, hip thrusts, and shoulder press working the 8-12 rep ranges.

If you are working high-rep ranges, rest should be short. Examples of this would include things like face pulls, lateral delt raises, and calf raises working in +12 rep ranges.

Do these 2 things and your training just might change.