Tips For Surviving Social Functions

November 1st, 2013 by

If you decide to go out to a social event remember that the word “social” implies an interaction with other people not with your food.

While other people might be eating without concern for their body composition, you do not have to do the same.

Although technically you can have as much of any food or drink that you want, you can also CHOOSE not to because you have a goal that you want to achieve.

Here are some tips for social functions:

1) If you’re planning an outing, plan something that doesn’t inherently revolve around food (i.e., mini-putt, movie, bowling, etc). Or just go out for coffee – you don’t have to eat there.

2) If a potluck, bring some food that you can share, but that you can also eat and remain on plan.

3) Always offer to bring a veggie tray so there is at least one thing there you can munch on without doing too much damage.

4) If a dinner at a friends/family member’s house, you can choose to bring your own food. You can transfer your food to a plate like everyone else so you don’t have to get stared at for looking like a weirdo eating out of your Tupperware.

5) If you’re at a restaurant, eat before and eat a salad (no/minimal dressing at the restaurant).

And, most importantly, if you’ve decided that you’re not going to do any of the above and are going to eat off plan, you must be mindful of HOW MUCH you actually consume. Binging is not balance.