The Importance of Nutritional Compliance

June 5th, 2013 by

A 110 pound woman has an estimated maintenance of 1650 calories. If she were to set a 20% deficit her dieting calorie intake would be 1320 calories. This means her absolute deficit would be 330 calories per day or 2310 for the week.

A 220 pound man has an estimated maintenance of 3300 calories. If he were to set a 20% deficit his dieting calorie intake would be 2640 calories. This means his absolute deficit would be 660 calories per day or 4620 for the week.

Ultimately this illustrates that a lighter person will always have a smaller absolute deficit even with the same relative deficit (20%). This means that it is much easier for a lighter person to completely erase the deficit created simply by cheating/deviating on a their plan.

It is unfair, but true.

If you’re a lighter person and struggling to lose fat, be attentive to your nutritional compliance as the small deviations can quickly add up to stalled fat loss.