Sacrifice and Results

August 13th, 2013 by

“This lifestyle along with any goal that you want to reach takes sacrifice. It isn’t alway easy. If you really want to be successful, there is a price that has to be paid. The attitude in which you pay it, will make all the difference in the world.

The first time you pack your cooler around may seem hard and extreme.

People will give you a hard time.

Friends and family won’t always understand

You will have to turn down more than one slice of cake

You will have to train even if you don’t want to or don’t feel like it.

You will train through sore muscles

You will most likely take your food scale into a restaurant at some point

You will most likely eat more than one meal in your car

Keeping records about your food and training are important

You will feel hunger

You may get bored

Sleep matters for recovery and hormonal balance

Doing “pretty good” or “so much better than before” is still probably not enough to make the change.

Winging it won’t work, so have a plan and work the plan.

It isn’t always sunshine and rainbows but if you want it, it’s yours. Work for it, own your choices, and don’t make excuses. It takes extreme effort for extreme results.”

Curls & Whey Training