Why programs do not need to be changed after ‘x’ number of weeks

June 18th, 2014 by

Client: When can I have a new program?

Me: What do you think you need to change?

Client: I was thinking that maybe I should be cutting my carbs, reducing my calories, adding some cardio, or changing some exercises. I’m not sure, but I feel like I should at least be changing something.

Me: Why? Aren’t you still losing body fat?

Client: Yes.

Me: Aren’t you still gradually gaining a little strength?

Client: Yes.

Me: Then why do you feel like you need a change?

Client: It has been X number of weeks.

Me: A program doesn’t need to change based on the calendar, but based on what your body actually DOES in response to that program.

If you are still getting results and have not fully worked your program to achieve the maximum results it can produce, why would you change it?

The bottom line here is that you don’t need to change your program just for the sake of doing something new or because you’ve read an article that something is better than what you are currently doing. If what you’re doing is sustainable and producing the results you’re after, you don’t need to change it.

PS: Sometimes the most important thing a coach can do is not create a new program for a client, but convince them to stick with the one that is already working long enough for the results to manifest themselves.