Motivation Versus Follow-Through

August 7th, 2013 by

Do you struggle with making progress on a goal you’ve set for yourself? Can’t seem to figure out why you lack the motivation? Is it possible that motivation is not what you lack, but rather the ability to follow-through? You’ve taken the necessary steps to start, so it seems the motivation to take on this goal is present.

“We have a misconception that if we only cared enough about something, we would do something about it.”

Motivation is in the mind. Follow-through is in the practice. Motivation is conceptual; follow-through is practical. The mind is essential to motivation. But with follow-through, it’s the mind that gets in the way. We’ve all experienced our mind disrupting our ambitions. We decide to go to the gym after work, but when it comes time to go, we think it’s too late, or we’re tired, or there’s always tomorrow. We decide to start eating better, but when we find ourselves tempted with something not on our plan, we give in to one treat which turns into a full day of treats.

The best way to get out of this thinking pitfall is to stop thinking. Stop that conversation in your head before it starts. Make a decision about something that you want to do and do it. And be specific: I will work out tonight at 5pm. I will prepare my meals for the day so I’m not tempted to grab something quick and off-plan. When your mind begins to “reason” with you (because it will), don’t listen. Not saying it’s going to be easy, but the better you become at taking control of your thoughts, the greater chance you will have of following through on your goals.