Metabolic Damage – Wake Up And Pay Attention

November 5th, 2013 by

Couldn’t agree more. Courtesy of Curls & Whey Training.

“With all the attention given to rebounding, metabolic damage, it still surprises me to read about people doing double and triple cardio on low calories.

Are you living under a rock? Have you not read the stories of some of these girls post competition?

I hope the plastic trophy is worth it. :sigh:”


Such practices are just NOT necessary to get in shape. Will they often lead to results in the short term? Sure. But for many, it is not a case of if, but when, the consequences will show up. Unless you have been blessed with strong metabolic resiliency which is genetic, and which you won’t know until you repeatedly challenge it, the risks do not outweigh the benefits. Many, many girls can attest to this.

With all the awareness out there these days regarding these contest prep/fat loss issues from many coaches, etc, I border on almost thinking you deserve what’s coming to you if you choose to ignore the advice/warning.