Live In The Moment

August 7th, 2013 by

Let us assume that you are watching a beautiful sunset on a tranquil evening. The scene and the whole experience fills you with a tremendous sense of peace and inner calm. Suddenly, however, you sit upright thinking to yourself: “Something’s missing here! Could it be that maybe I could be experiencing even more comfort than I am right now? I’ll bet there’s a way to make this a better scenario. What if I were watching this sunset from a nice screened-in porch on a mild August night on the shore of a lake in northern Ontario? I’ve heard that those northern Canadian sunsets are really spectacular! I’d better call my travel agent when I get back to the office on Monday and. . . .”

The problem here is obvious. You can become so wrapped up in thinking of ways to “maximize” your FUTURE enjoyment potential that you’ll make it impossible to experience the present joy at all. As the present is all that exists (the past having expired and the future not yet born), the present is truly all that we should be concerned with. The NOW is all that can affect us. Enjoy living and experiencing the NOW, and don’t try to pause or analyze the situation by stepping out or away from the moment in order to see if you are getting the utmost out of it.

From: The Warrior Within (the philosophies of Bruce Lee)