Lifestyle changes need to be sustainable

May 4th, 2014 by

Part of making long lasting changes is finding something that is maintainable and sustainable, not just through a ’12 week transformation’ or quick diet fad. One should approach this not as a diet but as a lifestyle /change.

Your ‘diet’ (meaning how/what you eat not calories or phases) should be the same through out the week, without having to start over the beginning of every week because you lost control over the weekend.

Ones goal should be to mastering ones lifestyle means eating the same way, all through the week (with the exception of an occasion, holiday/vacation or free meal) Even if you did veer off plan, take control and jump right back on with the next meal instead or reeling out of further control. If your having to constantly keep starting over, you aren’t mastering your lifestyle/changes which means they wont be lasting or sustainable.