It’s Not Just About ‘Weight’; It’s ALL About Tension

February 26th, 2012 by

A lot of people get caught up in weight, PRs, etc., etc. But you have to keep in mind that physique development is about maximal TENSION on the target muscle. This isn’t weightlifting or powerlifting. It’s ALL about tension. Yes, more weight is one way to add tension, but too many people get trapped with too much emphasis on just getting stronger, setting another PR, and often I see, with some compromising of their rep execution.

Don’t just lift your weights. CONTRACT your muscles through a full range of motion. Stretch and squeeze on everything. Keep the set moving, don’t let the muscles relax – tension, tension, tension. Don’t let them rest during the set. You can always make a lighter weight feel a bit heavier when you’re really, really focusing on rep execution, contracting your muscles against resistance. Make every inch of every rep count. When you do this, often weights have to come down a little (for example, when we use slower eccentric tempos), but the effect on increasing tension is magnified even further. End result? Potentially a great stimulus.

I have seen some downright abhorrent form in the gym – hmmm, and typically? By the people with unimpressive development. Check the egos at the door.