How positive reinforcement can have an effect on your training.

March 18th, 2016 by


I came across an old study (1996) in the Journal of Sports Medicine that I thought was not only interesting, but also something everyone could appreciate and, hopefully, apply. In the study, researchers measured the peak force output of the biceps in 20 untrained men and women when they were either given verbal encouragement or not (i.e. the researchers said nothing). What they found was that when the subjects were given words of encouragement their mean force output was 5% greater, which was small, but still statistically significant. Also, there was no significant difference in gender. In other words, it worked on men and women.

Ok, so I know you’re wondering, ‘what did the researchers say?’ Well, all they said, in a slightly raised volume, was “Come on, you can do it.” That’s all it took to make these people stronger – six simple words. So when I take a step back and look at this I think, ‘It’s amazing how a little positive reinforcement can have a significant impact on people’. I hope you keep that in mind the next time you see someone struggling in or out the gym as a simple act of kindness, such as offering words of encouragement, can truly make a difference.

McNair, PJ et al. Verbal encouragement: effects on maximum effort voluntary muscle action. Br J Sports Med. 1996 Sep;30(3):243-5.