Go Soak Your Oats

December 4th, 2013 by

Soaking oats for muffins, EW oats or pancakes leads to lots of volume says my client Emma. Here are the directions she uses. Note the multi meal prep. Very portable and easy!

“soak your oats over night, seriously, give it a go if you want great texture and mad volume.

For breakfast I either have oat/EW and fruit muffins or pancakes. If I’m making muffins I cook them them the night before and heat them up at work, pancakes are a weekend thing and I make them fresh. I use silicon cupcake moulds and I get 10, for the pancakes I usually get 10-12, depending on how big I’ve poured them.

This is my base mixture, it’s enough for 7 days (based on my plan)

280 grams oats
1 tsp xanatham gum
1tsp baking powder
1.5 tsp mixed spice
Big pinch salt
I don’t add stevia here as I use the flavoured drops when I mix each batch, but if you don’t then add stevia as per your preference.

Grind all this to a flour in a food processor.

Weigh final mixture and divide into 7 zip lock bags.

I make a small bowl of chai tea, let it cool, add the oats and leave in the fridge over night (for weekend meals) or all day (during the week when I prep at night)

I find this adds a nice soft texture to the muffins and pancakes and really blows the volume right up.

I have been toying with the idea of topping my apple muffins with a cinnamon “sugar” made from granulated stevia and cinnamon but I’ve not tried it yet, it would probably work with stevia and lemon zest too.”