Finding the balance between clean eating and eating junk food

February 9th, 2017 by

It is kind of annoying to me that people with a perfectly healthy relationship with food will get criticized for choosing not to fit pop tarts and other “junk type” foods into their daily plan, by people who do just because it fits into their calories. Yes, we take a balanced approach and have treats post workout, but for the most part we eat what is considered a “healthy diet.”
Can you lose fat on a diet that consists primarily of treats? Sure you can. Should you? Well, thats up to you.
I personally want to eat nutrient dense foods for the majority of my calories. It supports my health, my hormones, and it is kind to my body. Performance also matters to me, and no one performs great on a diet that lacks nutrition.
I will tell you a little secret. I actually like my food. I think chicken is awesome. Eggs are one of my favorite things to eat, and oats are nearly impossible to beat in my book. I am a HUGE fan of cottage cheese. I also like pizza, cheesecake, French toast, and ice cream, but I don’t crave them every day.
Since when is exercising a little discipline a bad thing? How is that disordered eating or thinking to walk away from certain types of foods for the sake of being healthy and supporting your own personal goals.
I didn’t need ice cream, candy, cookies, alcohol, and pizza on a daily bases before I got into fitness and I don’t need them daily now.
It isn’t often that creating pseudo foods to kill a craving actually works. In fact it just drives your mind to focus on it more.
Anyone that considers it bro food, disordered eating, or diet prison to eat chicken, steak, almonds, and sweet potatoes has a deprivation mindset. They aren’t seeing the whole picture. I don’t want to just focus on physique, I want to focus on health, performance, and balance too.
Yes, you can enjoy these treats and be healthy. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. For me and the example I want to set for my kids, is to eat whole nutrient dense foods and see treats for what they are. Treats! I don’t want my kids to grow up learning to eat a diet of junk food like it doesn’t matter.
These are the kinds of things I think about when I bring food into my home. It isn’t the only way or even the right way, but it’s MY way.
I really don’t care what anyone else chooses to do with their diet (outside of my clients of course), but all the bashing of the “bro food” eaters (whatever that really means) is pretty lame. Normal people without physique goals still eat chicken and steak too right?
I am all for balance, but exercising discipline isn’t such a bad thing either. There is nothing wrong with making sacrifices for your goals. I am not in the clean eating camp, but you won’t find me in the daily junk food camp either.