Eating At Social Functions

August 13th, 2013 by

I shared this tip with a client about eating in social situations and gatherings.

When eating at a social gathering, family event etc and you’ve chosen to stay on plan and/or bring your own food, here are a few ideas:

-Bring something to share that is on plan for you and some to share. I tend to bring veggies (cures the munchies), salad or extra protein.

-Plate your food on the tableware they are using vs. eating out of your Tupperware. Attracts little to no attention. If someone even looks over at my plate and sees something the host didnt provide, I can say there is some ‘over there’, help yourself.

If you didnt/couldnt do any of the above, control those calories. Food and social situations should never be a stressful event.