Don’t get too comfortable and lose sight of your goals

June 18th, 2014 by

Often on the road to success you can encounter a point where you get a little too comfortable where you are and you lose sight of where it is that you’re actually trying to go.

Getting too comfortable with where you are can actually lead to making choices that will actually carry you backwards away from your goal. You’ll know you’re at this point when you start justifying to yourself many reasons for eating off plan all the time despite not being where you want to be yet.

If you happen to be truly happy with where you are at a point that is earlier than expected, that is great. But then you have to keep living the lifestyle you lived to get there if you hope to remain there.

If you are just getting too comfortable and you are NOT where you want to be yet, you need to shake off that complacency, override those justifications with reason, and make a charge for where you want to go.