distance (remote) coaching isn’t for everyone, and this is why…

August 25th, 2014 by

Let’s face it – distance (remote) coaching isn’t for everyone. Maybe you follow this page for the great information all of the coaches post. Perhaps this information challenges your previous ideas and thoughts on exercise and nutrition. Maybe it’s applicable to your and/or your clients. Perhaps…just maybe, it’s your “motivation”.

I bet if I asked any of you right at this moment, almost all of you know someone or you are the person to say, “I need a trainer. I need him/her to motivate me. I need my butt kicked in to gear.”

While that may sound fine and dandy to a trainer (as you are now putting money in that person’s pocket), the idea/emotion/value of your journey is significantly devalued because the real intent isn’t there. YOU are your motivation.

Lets break down the #’s:

-If you see a trainer minimum 2x/week for 1 hour, that’s 2 hours in a 168 hour week.
-Turn that in to a year (and this is religiously going 2x/week) that is 106 hours in a 8,766 hour YEAR!
-That is only 1.2% of the time you see a trainer.

What am I getting at??

The fact is, your trainer is such a SMALL part of your journey (albeit a good catalyst without a doubt).

Motivation is intrinsic. It is what is INSIDE YOU that SCREAMS, “I need to better myself!”. Motivation will not make you a winner. Motivation is the initial feeling you get before you put your plan in to action. You start the process and you don’t stop until you get to where you said you want to be. THAT is what makes you a winner. Motivation is a short-lived feeling. There are days you don’t want to do whatever it is you set to do but the goal IS the motivation. Remind yourself of that.

No one is responsible for your actions except YOU. YOU are accountable for your own actions. No one is your scapegoat. If you have a goal or a desire and it needs work, your motivation is to finish.

Every single time you need “motivation”, remind yourself why you started in the first place. Motivation is an attitude, not a feeling.