Spencer Wormuth

June 9th, 2011 by

I initially heard about Erik through a local figure competitor and was skeptical due to the online aspects of the service. My fiancé proceeded as a client and I started to see the different training methods and dietary changes transform her physique at a very quick rate.

I contacted Erik and although I struggled to “let go of the reins”, it’s the best decision I’ve made in twenty years of training. I had no idea how stagnant my routines had become and how off my nutritional program was. Erik created challenging, rewarding workouts and totally provided me with a step by step, precise diet.The diet was a n adjustment because I learned that I was overeating and consuming many excess calories. The training was awesome and I only had to train 4 days with minimal cardio. Totally refreshing change BUT very intense and effective.

In 12 weeks I dropped 29 lbs of body fat, retained lean muscle with size and streamlined my waist from 40″ to 33.This transformation was only possible through Erik’s precise training regimen and his precise dietary instruction. On November 20, 3 months after signing up with LBC, I competed in my first bodybuilding competition(along side my fiancé in figure). I placed 2nd in Novice and 3rd in Masters division! The trophies were a nice bonus but obtaining my goals and experiencing the journey with Erik and my fiancé was ultimately, the most rewarding aspect of all!

Thanks Erik, I learned so much through your coaching and look forward to working with you in the near future and perhaps, prepping for my next competition.


Spencer Wormuth, Madison Heights, VA