Big Tip For Metabolic Health – You Can’t Always Be Dieting

October 15th, 2013 by

Here’s one BIG tip for metabolic health. YOU CAN’T ALWAYS BE DIETING! You NEED to have extended periods of time, and I mean extended, throughout the year where you’re NOT dieting, NOT eating in a big caloric deficit, NOT doing a lot of cardio; phases where you relax, eat more, eat well yes, but more. Phases where yes, you accept that you’ll carry a little more body fat than you did at your leanest. THIS is healthy. Trying to maintain your contest condition is simply not.

What do I mean by extended? Well, IMO, you should be OUT of a caloric deficit *at least* as long as you were in one.

Ignore this advice and there likely will eventually be a heavy (haha see what I did there?) price to pay down the road.