Be thankful for your blessings

March 19th, 2014 by

Make up your mind right now that all of life does not need to make you feel good in order for you to face it with peace and joy. Make a decision that you will not dread anything you have to do. Do it all with a thankful attitude. There are people who are sick and diseased or perhaps in the hospital who would absolutely love to be able to move about enough to do what you may be dreading.

Our son went on an outreach with a team of people who go visit the homeless each Friday evening. After helping in this ministry, he called me and said, “If I ever complain again, please knock me down and then kick me for being so stupid!” He was appalled at himself for the things he had murmured about in the past once he saw by comparison how some people were living. We would all feel exactly the same way.

Those without a place to live would love to have a house to clean, while we dread cleaning ours. They would delight in having a car to drive, even an old one, while we complain about needing to wash ours or take it in for an oil change.

I am sure you’re getting my point. We lose sight of how blessed we are most of the time, but we should work at keeping it in the front of our thinking. Be thankful you can do anything, and don’t dread things you have to do.

c/o Joyce Meyer