Be proud of your non-scale victories

October 22nd, 2014 by

As I’m reviewing client biweeklies today, I wanted to post a reminder for everyone to be proud of your non-scale victories. 

What are some of yours?

If you’re being compliant and following the program, you should always be proud of accomplishments that are a result of that dedication.

– feeling more confident
– getting stronger and more comfortable in the gym
– being able to play and run around with your kids outside and not be breathless or tired after 5 minutes
– your Dr. telling you that he is able to decrease your blood pressure meds
– inspiring others around you to be healthier
– just “feeling” better in general – better moods, sleeping well, etc…

Some weeks, the scale doesn’t budge. Sometimes, the measurements only drop a bit. But don’t fail to recognize the positive changes that have nothing to do with a scale along your journey.