Advice for aspiring coaches and trainers in the fitness industry

August 18th, 2014 by

A number of influential people in the fitness industry would have you believe that if you want to succeed you need to read for at least one hour per day to seemingly accumulate the most number of books read.

Frankly, I believe that this honestly couldn’t be further from the truth. Along with discovering that a lot of the “popular” books are largely overrated, this will also result in you ending up with a massive amount of disjointed theoretical knowledge and very little in the way of direct applicability to assist those you’re trying to help. (I feel this way about most fitness conferences too by the way)

I would suggest, rather than just accumulating a vast number of miscellaneous books on your bookshelf or e-reader, that you choose a very small number of good, trustworthy sources and study the crap out of them.

Read everything they’ve written and then take it out and actually aim to APPLY it. Adjust based on your results and read some more. In this scenario you’ll probably end up reading a lot less total books but you will be able to actually USE what you’ve learned to create results.

Sure, you won’t be able to brag to your online fitness friends about how many times you’ve read Supertraining, but you will be able to get results for your clients and that is what builds a business.