Ab circuit

July 20th, 2014 by

One of the things we sometimes do to “replace” traditional steady state cardio are Abs/Core Circuits for time. Here is a circuit one of our LBC clients put together. Feel free to give this workout a shot and report back.

Start Burpees x 15
1. Stability Ball Full Situp with Slam x20
2. Bicycle Abs Straight Legs x20
3. Chopper Situps x20
4. Cable Wood Chops x20ea side
5. Stability Ball Alternating Step Offs x20
6. Decline Situps x20
7. Lower Body Russian Twists (straight legs) x20
8. Inch worm kick outs x 20
Rest 60 Repeat
Total Time: 30 mins
I think I’m gonna get my ass kicked tomorrow!!”

Now, if you don’t know what some of these movements are, feel free to either google/youtube them or substitute some other abs/core circuits in their place.

Have … fun. Hehe.