A Little Tough Love for The Challenge Of Weekend Eating

December 10th, 2010 by

Sound familar to you?

I honestly log my food and know how many calories I am eating during the week, the weekend I tend to slack. I may not eat enough some days and others days in the weekend I may eat too much. I am actually working on that, have been and am doing better, but if I am going to have a cheat I usually don’t eat at much prior to my cheat meal.

Weekend eating is just as important as weekly eating.

From an old blog post:

2 days can erase 5!

I hope the message there is clear – weekends can kill your fat loss. And another important point while I’m at it: Nibbles and extras can also ruin your fat loss. In isolation they might not mean much and can be classified as ‘little’, but little + little + little is no longer little. In the end, these little nibbles here and there DO in fact add up and CAN put the brakes on your progress. Be mindful of what goes in your mouth.

Or how about this question?

What do you recommend to your clients that have found it to be challenging to eat their meals on the weekends?

My thoughts? Suck it up!

There’s nothing special about weekends. If you can eat correctly Monday to Friday, you can eat correctly Saturday and Sunday. Your Monday to Friday success proves it.

There’s nothing inherent to weekends that mandates a complete lack of structure – particularly when a person is claiming they’re trying to achieve a certain goal. Serious about your goal? You’ll follow your program. There’s no such thing as ‘sort of committed’. You either are, or you’re not.

Remember, you chose this path you’re on. That comes with the need and responsibility, to yourself, to accept what is involved to stay on it.

Of course it’s fine NOT to suck it up and follow your program on one condition; you’re also willing to accept the consequences of that choice … which likely means slower, or worse yet, no, fat loss.

Here’s a good reminder:

The Key To Successful Fat Loss

Plans, diets, training programs – they’re only as good as the person following them.