Structured Flexibility Application Structured Flexibility Hi! What's your name?* Best email address? (please doublecheck for accuracy)* How old are you? What is your current bodyweight? How tall are you? Why are you applying for help?Why did you pick Lean Bodies Consulting??How long have you known of / been following LBC? How much $$$ USD do you think you've spent on this goal until this point? (programs, supplements, memberships, coaching, etc)Have you ever worked with an Online Coach in 1-on-1 fashion before? Yes No Was that experience positive or negative for you? Are you sure you’re ready for a “Season of Serious”? Meaning, is this a NOW thing for you? On a scale of 1 to 10, how 'chomping at the bit' are you to get started on this goal with LBC? If not a 10, what would make it a 10? Do you struggle with self-sabotage / self-betrayal / consistency? Ugh, a lot! Yes Not really No Break down your current training and cardio for me (if any).What does your current nutrition look like? Give me a TYPICAL current day, not your best day.Have you ever been diagnosed with a hormone issue? Perimenopause or menopause? Share details. What is your goal with working with LBC? What also are your expectations? Be as specific as possible.Do you have any long-term fitness/health/physique goals? Be specific.(What’s life look like on the other side of your achievement?)What are your challenges right now with doing this on your own? Where are you struggling?What do you believe is the #1 reason you haven’t gotten the results you’ve been wanting?Please be specific.How would you describe your training/lifting weights experience? Beginner Intermediate Advanced Our programming is more suited to intermediate and advanced trainees.How would you feel if 6 months from now you found yourself in the same place you are right now? Serious question so ask yourself.The investment for our signature 1 on 1 coaching program is a respectable mid three-figure investment per month with a minimum 6 months of time together. PLEASE read that again! Given we do a very personal and in-depth video response to your application and our time is very valuable, please have the respect to NOT submit an application if you're not already ok with the investment or this is not RIGHT NOW help you're looking for. I read it twice and I am financially able No, this is not the time for me / it's out of current budget Have you been relatively close to your goal previously? Are you ready to learn how to do this right?